The latest version of wxMaxima is 25.01.0. All wxMaxima releases are available from GitHub. We release the source code and (usually) Windows installers.
WxMaxima is a graphical front end to Maxima, which does the mathematics in the background. So a wxMaxima installation (without Maxima) will be useless.

Download wxMaxima

  • Windows (including Gnuplot+Maxima)
    This installer includes everything which is needed to use Maxima+wxMaxima. This version will include the wxMaxima version, which was current at the time, when the installer was build, which is often not the newest version; there are approx. 2 Maxima relases / year, wxMaxima is released more often.
  • Windows (wxMaxima only (current release))
    You will need a Maxima installation too and configure the Maxima location first!
Mac OS X
  • Mac OS X (includes Gnuplot+Maxima)
    This installer includes everything which is needed to use Maxima+wxMaxima. This version will include the wxMaxima version, which was current at the time, when the installer was build, which is often not the newest version; there are approx. 2 Maxima relases / year, wxMaxima is released more often.
Source code
Read the compiling instructions to compile your own wxMaxima.



Most distributions provide binaries for Maxima and wxMaxima in their repositories (usually the version which was current, when the distribution was released). Many (Debian based) Linux distributions by default install apturl which means that the wxMaxima version shipped with the current distribution can be installed by simply by clicking this link.


There is an AppImage build of Maxima, Gnuplot and wxMaxima. Just download the file, tell your operating system it is executable (
chmod +x filename
or similar) and start it.

Mac OS X

On macOS, the current version of Maxima is now supported by MacPorts, After installing macports the latest release of Maxima can be installed using the following command:

sudo port install maxima

The development version of Maxima can be installed using the following command instead:

sudo port install maxima-devel

Note: If you have already installed maxima-5.41.0, you must deactivate it with the next command before installing the development version:

sudo port deactivate maxima

wxMaxima can then be installed using the command

sudo port install wxmaxima


sudo port install wxmaxima-devel
Maxima and wxMaxima can also be installed using the brew package manager:
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install maxima
brew install wxmaxima

Additionally a nightly build of wxMaxima (without Maxima) can be downloaded from


Important changes in wxMaxima can be found in
For all code changes look at the Git commit history.