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VisiblyInvalidCell Class Referencefinal

A visibly invalid cell. More...

#include <VisiblyInvalidCell.h>

Inheritance diagram for VisiblyInvalidCell:
Collaboration diagram for VisiblyInvalidCell:

Public Member Functions

 VisiblyInvalidCell (GroupCell *group, Configuration *config)
 The constructor for cell that, if displayed, means that something is amiss.
 VisiblyInvalidCell (GroupCell *group, Configuration *config, wxString &&toolTip)
 Constructor for a cell that shows that something is amiss using a custom tooltip.
 VisiblyInvalidCell (GroupCell *group, Configuration *config, const wxString *toolTip)
 VisiblyInvalidCell (GroupCell *group, const VisiblyInvalidCell &cell)
const CellTypeInfoGetInfo () override
 Returns the information about this cell's type.
std::unique_ptr< CellCopy (GroupCell *group) const override
 Create a copy of this cell.
AFontSize GetScaledTextSize () const
void SetStyle (TextStyle style) override
 Sets the TextStyle of this cell.
void SetValue (const wxString &text) override
 Set the text contained in this cell.
virtual void SetValue (const wxString &WXUNUSED(text))
 Allows to change the text a TextCell contains.
virtual void Recalculate (AFontSize fontsize) override
 Recalculate the size of the cell and the difference between top and center.
void Draw (wxPoint point, wxDC *dc, wxDC *antialiassingDC) override
 Draw this cell.
const wxFont & GetFont (AFontSize fontsize) const
void SetFont (wxDC *dc, AFontSize fontsize)
void DontEscapeOpeningParenthesis ()
 Calling this function signals that the "(" this cell ends in isn't part of the function name.
wxString ToMatlab () const override
 Convert this cell to its Matlab representation.
wxString ToMathML () const override
 Convert this cell to a representation fit for saving in a .wxmx file.
wxString ToOMML () const override
 Returns the cell's representation as OMML.
wxString ToRTF () const override
 Returns the cell's representation as RTF.
virtual wxString ToString () const override
 Returns the cell's representation as a string.
virtual const wxString GetDisplayedString () const override
wxString ToTeX () const override
 Convert this cell to its LaTeX representation.
wxString ToXML () const override
 Convert this cell to a representation fit for saving in a .wxmx file.
bool IsOperator () const override
 Is this cell an operator?
const wxString & GetValue () const override
 Gets the text this text cell contains.
wxString GetGreekStringTeX () const
wxString GetSymbolTeX () const
wxString GetGreekStringUnicode () const
wxString GetSymbolUnicode (bool keepPercent) const
bool IsShortNum () const override
 True if this cell represents a short number.
void SetType (CellType type) override
 Sets the text style according to the type.
void SetAltCopyText (const wxString &text) override
 What should end up if placing this cell on the clipboard?
void SetPromptTooltip (bool use)
wxCoord Scale_Px (double px) const
 Scale font sizes and line widths according to the zoom factor.
AFontSize Scale_Px (AFontSize size) const
 Scale font sizes and line widths according to the zoom factor.
virtual const wxString GetToolTip (wxPoint point) const
 Returns the ToolTip this cell provides at a given point.
unsigned long CellsInListRecursive () const
 How many cells does this cell contain?
wxRect CropToUpdateRegion (wxRect rect) const
 The part of the rectangle rect that is in the region that is currently drawn.
bool InUpdateRegion () const
 Is this cell inside the region that is currently drawn?
void SoftLineBreak (bool breakLine=true)
 Do we want this cell to start with a linebreak?
bool BreakUpCells ()
 Cell list: Convert 2d math objects bigger than the screen width into linear form.
bool UnBreakUpCells ()
 Convert all maths objects in this call list into their 2D form.
void BreakLines_List ()
int GetLineIndent () const
 If this were the beginning of a line: How far do we need to indent it?
bool BreakLineHere () const
 Are we allowed to break a line here?
bool HasHardLineBreak () const
 Does this cell begin with a manual linebreak?
virtual bool BreakUp ()
 Try to split this command into lines to make it fit on the screen.
bool ContainsRect (const wxRect &sm, bool all=true) const
 Is a part of this cell inside a certain rectangle?
bool ContainsPoint (wxPoint point) const
 Is a given point inside this cell?
virtual void ClearCache ()
 Clears memory from cached items automatically regenerated when the cell is drawn.
void ClearCacheList ()
 Clears the cache of the whole list of cells starting with this one.
void SetConfigurationList (Configuration *config)
 Tell this cell list to use the configuration object config.
virtual void SetConfiguration (Configuration *config)
 Tell this cell to use the configuration object config.
ConfigurationGetConfiguration ()
 Which configuration object is responsible for this cell?
void DrawList (wxPoint point, wxDC *dc, wxDC *adc)
 Draw this list of cells.
void DrawList (wxDC *dc, wxDC *adc)
virtual void DrawBoundingBox (wxDC &WXUNUSED(dc), bool all=false)
 Draw a rectangle that marks this cell or this list of cells as selected.
bool DrawThisCell (wxPoint point)
 Is this cell currently visible in the window?
bool DrawThisCell ()
 Is this cell currently visible in the window?
void ForceBreakLine (bool force=true)
 Insert (or remove) a forced linebreak at the beginning of this cell.
wxCoord GetHeight () const
 Get the height of this cell.
int GetWidth () const
 Get the width of this cell.
wxCoord GetCenter () const
 Get the distance between the top and the center of this cell.
bool HasValidSize () const
 Is the size valid and not pending a recalculation?
bool HasStaleSize () const
 Is the size valid, whether a recalculation is pending or not?
bool HasValidPosition () const
 Is the position valid?
wxCoord GetDrop () const
 Get the distance between the center and the bottom of this cell.
CellType GetType () const
 Returns the type of this cell.
wxCoord GetMaxDrop () const
 Returns the maximum distance between center and bottom of this line.
wxCoord GetCenterList () const
 Returns the maximum distance between top and center of this line.
wxCoord GetHeightList () const
 Returns the total height of this line.
wxCoord GetFullWidth () const
 How many pixels is this list of cells wide, if we don't break it into lines?
wxCoord GetLineWidth () const
 How many pixels is the current line of this list of cells wide?
wxCoord GetCurrentX () const
 Get the x position of the top left of this cell.
wxCoord GetCurrentY () const
 Get the y position of the top left of this cell.
virtual wxRect GetRect (bool wholeList=false) const
 Get the smallest rectangle this cell fits in.
virtual bool NeedsRecalculation (AFontSize fontSize) const
 True, if something that affects the cell size has changed.
void ScheduleRecalculation ()
 Cause this cell to be recalculated the next time.
bool ConfigChanged () const
 Has the configuration changed since the last recalculation of this cell?
virtual wxString GetDiffPart () const
 Get the part for diff tag support.
void RecalculateList (AFontSize fontsize)
 Recalculate both width and height of this list of cells.
void FontsChangedList ()
 Tell a whole list of cells that their fonts have changed.
void ResetSize_Recursively ()
 Mark all cached size information as "to be calculated".
void ResetSize_RecursivelyList ()
 Mark all cached size information of this cell list as "to be calculated".
void ResetSize ()
 Mark the cached height and width information as "to be calculated".
void ResetSizeList ()
 Mark the cached height information of the whole list of cells as "to be calculated".
void SetBigSkip (bool skip)
 Tell this cell to cause an additional vertical space.
bool HasBigSkip () const
 Does this cell come with an additional vertical space.
const TextStyleGetTextStyle () const
 Get the text style.
void SetPen (wxDC *dc, double lineWidth=1.0) const
 Sets the drawing pen to the cell's default foreground color.
void SetBrush (wxDC *dc) const
 Sets the fill brush to the cell's default foreground color.
wxColour GetForegroundColor () const
void SetHighlight (bool highlight)
 Mark this cell as highlighted (e.G. being in a maxima box)
bool GetHighlight () const
 Is this cell highlighted (e.G. inside a maxima box)
virtual void SetIsExponent ()
 Tell this cell to be an exponent.
virtual void SetIsExponentList ()
 Tell this list of cells to be an exponent.
Cellfirst () const
 Get the first cell in this list of cells.
Celllast () const
 Get the last cell in this list of cells.
Range GetCellsInRect (const wxRect &rect) const
 Returns the first and last cells within the given rectangle, recursing into the inner cells.
Range GetListCellsInRect (const wxRect &rect) const
 Returns the first and last cells within the given rectangle, without recursing into the inner cells.
virtual Range GetInnerCellsInRect (const wxRect &rect) const
 Select the cells inside this cell described by the rectangle rect.
bool IsCompound () const
 Do we have an operator in this line - draw () in frac...
GroupCellGetGroup () const
 Returns the group cell this cell belongs to.
virtual wxString ListToString () const
 Returns this cell list's representation as a string.
wxString VariablesAndFunctionsList () const
 Returns all variable and function names used inside this list of cells.
virtual wxString ListToMatlab () const
 Convert this list to its LaTeX representation.
virtual wxString ListToTeX () const
 Convert this list to its LaTeX representation.
virtual wxString ListToXML () const
 Convert this list to a representation fit for saving in a .wxmx file.
virtual wxString ListToMathML (bool startofline=false) const
 Convert this list to a MathML representation.
virtual wxString ListToOMML (bool startofline=false) const
 Convert this list to an OMML representation.
virtual wxString ListToRTF (bool startofline=false) const
 Convert this list to an RTF representation.
virtual void Unbreak ()
 Undo breaking this cell into multiple lines.
virtual void UnbreakList ()
 Unbreak this line.
CellGetPrevious () const
 Returns a pointer to the previous cell in the current cell list.
CellGetNext () const
 Get the next cell in the list.
CellGetNextToDraw () const
 Get the next cell that needs to be drawn.
virtual void SetNextToDraw (Cell *next)
 Tells this cell which one should be the next cell to be drawn.
template<typename T , typename Del , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Cell, T >::value, bool >::type = true>
void SetNextToDraw (const std::unique_ptr< T, Del > &ptr)
 Tells this cell which one should be the next cell to be drawn.
bool IsComment () const
 Determine if this cell contains text that isn't code.
bool IsHidden () const
 Whether this cell is not to be drawn.
virtual bool FirstLineOnlyEditor ()
 True, if this GroupCell is folded and its editor shows only its first line.
virtual void Hide (bool hide=true)
 Hide this cell. See IsHidden() for details.
bool IsEditable (bool input=false) const
 Is this cell editable?
virtual bool CanPopOut () const
 Can this cell be popped out interactively in gnuplot?
virtual wxString GnuplotSource () const
 Retrieve the gnuplot source data for this image.
virtual void ProcessEvent (wxKeyEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
 Processes a key event.
virtual bool AddEnding ()
 Add a semicolon to a code cell, if needed.
virtual void SelectPointText (wxPoint point)
 Select the text at point.
virtual void SelectRectText (wxPoint one, wxPoint two)
 Select the text between the two points.
virtual void PasteFromClipboard (bool primary=false)
 Paste from the clipboard into this cell.
virtual bool CopyToClipboard () const
 Copy this cell's editable contents to the clipboard.
virtual bool CutToClipboard ()
 Cut this cell's editable contents to the clipboard.
virtual void SelectAll ()
 Select all editable text of this cell.
virtual bool CanCopy () const
 Select Can we copy the editable text of this cell?
virtual wxPoint PositionToPoint (size_t WXUNUSED(pos))
 Locates a char in the editable text of this cell.
virtual wxPoint PositionToPoint ()
 Locates the cursor in the editable text of this cell.
virtual bool IsDirty () const
 Is this cell marked as "from an old maxima run"?
virtual void SwitchCaretDisplay ()
virtual void SetFocus (bool WXUNUSED(focus))
 Focus this editor cell.
void SetTextColor (wxDC *dc)
 Sets the text color.
virtual bool IsActive () const
 Is this editor cell focused?
bool IsMath () const
 Is this cell possibly output of maxima?
virtual int GetImageBorderWidth () const
 0 for ordinary cells, 1 for slide shows and diagrams displayed with a 1-pixel border
void CopyCommonData (const Cell &cell)
 Copy common data (used when copying a cell)
std::unique_ptr< CellCopyList (GroupCell *group) const
 Return a copy of the list of cells beginning with this one.
void ClearToolTip ()
 Remove this cell's tooltip.
void SetToolTip (const wxString &tooltip)
 Set the tooltip to a given string.
void SetToolTip (const wxString *toolTip)
 Set the tooltip of this math cell - it must be exist at least as long as the cell does. Translation results behave that way. I.e. it must be a static string!
void AddToolTip (const wxString &tip)
 Add another tooltip to this cell.
virtual void SetCurrentPoint (wxPoint point)
 Tells this cell where it is placed on the worksheet.
void SetCurrentPoint (int x, int y)
 Tells this cell where it is placed on the worksheet.
wxPoint GetCurrentPoint () const
 Where is this cell placed on the worksheet?
bool IsBrokenIntoLines () const
 Whether this cell is broken into two or more lines.
bool GetSuppressMultiplicationDot () const
 Do we want to begin this cell with a center dot if it is part of a product?
void SetSuppressMultiplicationDot (bool val)
bool GetHidableMultSign () const
 Whether this is a hidable multiplication sign.
void SetHidableMultSign (bool val)
const wxString & GetLocalToolTip () const
bool IsNull () const
bool HasControlBlock () const
bool HasOneCellPtr () const

Static Public Member Functions

static wxString OMML2RTF (wxXmlNode *node)
 Converts an OMML tag to the corresponding RTF snippet.
static wxString OMML2RTF (wxString ommltext)
 Converts OMML math to RTF math.
static wxString RTFescape (wxString, bool MarkDown=false)
 Escape a string for RTF.
static wxString XMLescape (wxString)
 Escape a string for XML.
static std::unique_ptr< CellCopyList (GroupCell *group, const Cell *cell)
 Return a copy of the given list of cells.
static wxString wxColor2HtmlString (wxColor col)
static std::unique_ptr< CellMakeVisiblyInvalidCell (GroupCell *group, Configuration *config)
static size_t GetLiveInstanceCount ()
static size_t GetLiveControlBlockInstanceCount ()

Protected Types

enum  TextIndex : int8_t {
  noText , cellText , userLabelText , numberStart ,
  ellipsis , numberEnd

Protected Member Functions

virtual wxString GetXMLFlags () const
 Returns the XML flags this cell needs in wxMathML.
virtual void UpdateDisplayedText ()
 The text we actually display depends on many factors, unfortunately.
void UpdateToolTip ()
 Update the tooltip for this cell.
const wxString & GetAltCopyText () const override
 Get the text set using SetAltCopyText - may be empty.
void FontsChanged () override
 To be called if the font has changed.
wxSize CalculateTextSize (wxDC *dc, const wxString &text, TextCell::TextIndex const index)
void InitBitFields_TextCell ()
void BreakUpAndMark ()
 Break up the internal cells of this cell, and mark it as broken up.
wxBitmap BitmapFromSVG (wxString svgData, wxSize size)
 Renders a bitmap from svgData at the requested size.
std::unique_ptr< CellMakeVisiblyInvalidCell () const
virtual size_t GetInnerCellCount () const
 The number of inner cells - for use by the iterators.
virtual CellGetInnerCell (size_t index) const
 Retrieve an inner cell with given index which must be less than GetInnerCellCount.
WorksheetGetWorksheet () const
CellPointersGetCellPointers () const

Protected Attributes

wxString m_altCopyText
wxString m_text
 The text we keep inside this cell.
wxString m_displayedText
 The text we display: We might want to convert some characters or do similar things.
std::vector< SizeEntrym_sizeCache
bool m_dontEscapeOpeningParenthesis: 1
 Is an ending "(" of a function name the opening parenthesis of the function?
bool m_promptTooltip: 1
 Default to a special tooltip for prompts?
wxPoint m_currentPoint {-1, -1}
 The point in the work sheet at which this cell begins.
CellPtr< GroupCellm_group
 The GroupCell this list of cells belongs to.
CellPtr< Cellm_nextToDraw
 The next cell in the draw list. This has been factored into Cell temporarily to reduce the change "noise" when it will be subsequently removed.
 A pointer to the configuration responsible for this worksheet.
const wxString * m_toolTip
 This tooltip is owned by us when m_ownsToolTip is true. Otherwise, it points to a "static" string.
wxCoord m_height = -1
 The height of this cell.
wxCoord m_width = -1
 The width of this cell; is recalculated by RecalculateHeight.
wxCoord m_center = -1
 The distance between the top and the insertion point of this cell.
AFontSize m_fontSize_Scaled = {}
 The font size is smaller in super- and subscripts.
CellType m_type = MC_TYPE_DEFAULT
TextStyle m_textStyle = TS_MATH

Static Protected Attributes

static wxRegEx m_unescapeRegEx
static wxRegEx m_roundingErrorRegEx1
static wxRegEx m_roundingErrorRegEx2
static wxRegEx m_roundingErrorRegEx3
static wxRegEx m_roundingErrorRegEx4

Detailed Description

A visibly invalid cell.

A placeholder that, if everything works as it should, is overridden, before it is displayed.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddEnding()

virtual bool Cell::AddEnding ( )

Add a semicolon to a code cell, if needed.

Defined in GroupCell and EditorCell

Reimplemented in EditorCell, and GroupCell.

◆ BreakUp()

bool Cell::BreakUp ( )

Try to split this command into lines to make it fit on the screen.

Return values
true= This cell was split into lines.

Reimplemented in AbsCell, BoxCell, ConjugateCell, DiffCell, ExptCell, FracCell, FunCell, IntCell, IntervalCell, LimitCell, ListCell, LongNumberCell, NamedBoxCell, ParenCell, SqrtCell, and SumCell.

◆ BreakUpAndMark()

void Cell::BreakUpAndMark ( )

Break up the internal cells of this cell, and mark it as broken up.

Sets the cell's size to 0, as in broken up state the contents of the cell will be displayed in 1D mode while this cell won't be displayed, at all.

◆ BreakUpCells()

bool Cell::BreakUpCells ( )

Cell list: Convert 2d math objects bigger than the screen width into linear form.

Return values
true,ifthis action has changed the height of cells.

◆ CanCopy()

virtual bool Cell::CanCopy ( ) const

Select Can we copy the editable text of this cell?

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ CanPopOut()

virtual bool Cell::CanPopOut ( ) const

Can this cell be popped out interactively in gnuplot?

Reimplemented in AnimationCell, ImgCell, and ImgCellBase.

◆ CellsInListRecursive()

unsigned long Cell::CellsInListRecursive ( ) const

How many cells does this cell contain?

The number of cells the current group contains (-1, if no GroupCell)

◆ ClearCache()

virtual void Cell::ClearCache ( )

Clears memory from cached items automatically regenerated when the cell is drawn.

The scaled version of the image will be recreated automatically once it is needed.

Reimplemented in AnimationCell, ImgCell, and ImgCellBase.

◆ ClearCacheList()

void Cell::ClearCacheList ( )

Clears the cache of the whole list of cells starting with this one.

For details see ClearCache().

◆ ContainsPoint()

bool Cell::ContainsPoint ( wxPoint  point) const

Is a given point inside this cell?

pointThe point to test for collision with this cell

◆ ContainsRect()

bool Cell::ContainsRect ( const wxRect &  sm,
bool  all = true 
) const

Is a part of this cell inside a certain rectangle?

smThe rectangle to test for collision with this cell
  • true means test this cell and the ones that are following it in the list
  • false means test this cell only.

◆ Copy()

std::unique_ptr< Cell > TextCell::Copy ( GroupCell group) const

Create a copy of this cell.

This method is purely virtual, which means every child class has to define its own Copy() method.

Implements Cell.

◆ CopyToClipboard()

virtual bool Cell::CopyToClipboard ( ) const

Copy this cell's editable contents to the clipboard.

Only interesting for EditorCells

Reimplemented in AnimationCell, EditorCell, ImgCell, and ImgCellBase.

◆ CutToClipboard()

virtual bool Cell::CutToClipboard ( )

Cut this cell's editable contents to the clipboard.

Only interesting for EditorCells

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ DontEscapeOpeningParenthesis()

void TextCell::DontEscapeOpeningParenthesis ( )

Calling this function signals that the "(" this cell ends in isn't part of the function name.

The "(" is the opening parenthesis of a function instead.

◆ Draw()

void TextCell::Draw ( wxPoint  point,
wxDC *  dc,
wxDC *  antialiassingDC 

Draw this cell.

Draw this cell to dc.

pointThe x and y position this cell is drawn at: All top-level cells get their position during recalculation. But for the cells within them the position needs a second step after determining the dimension of the contents of the top-level cell.

Example: The position of the denominator of a fraction can only be determined after the height of denominator and numerator are known.

To make this work each derived class must draw the content of the cell and then call MathCell::Draw(...).

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ DrawBoundingBox()

void Cell::DrawBoundingBox ( wxDC &  WXUNUSEDdc,
bool  all = false 

Draw a rectangle that marks this cell or this list of cells as selected.

  • true: Draw the bounding box around this list of cells
  • false: Draw the bounding box around this cell only
dcThe drawing context the box is drawn in.

◆ DrawList()

void Cell::DrawList ( wxPoint  point,
wxDC *  dc,
wxDC *  adc 

Draw this list of cells.

pointThe x and y position this cell is drawn at

◆ DrawThisCell()

bool Cell::DrawThisCell ( wxPoint  point)

Is this cell currently visible in the window?

pointThe point to place this cell at

◆ FirstLineOnlyEditor()

bool Cell::FirstLineOnlyEditor ( )

True, if this GroupCell is folded and its editor shows only its first line.

Reimplemented in GroupCell.

◆ FontsChanged()

void TextCell::FontsChanged ( )

To be called if the font has changed.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ ForceBreakLine()

void Cell::ForceBreakLine ( bool  force = true)

Insert (or remove) a forced linebreak at the beginning of this cell.

  • true: Insert a forced linebreak
  • false: Remove the forced linebreak

◆ GetAltCopyText()

const wxString & TextCell::GetAltCopyText ( ) const

Get the text set using SetAltCopyText - may be empty.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ GetCenter()

wxCoord Cell::GetCenter ( ) const

Get the distance between the top and the center of this cell.

Remember that (for example with double fractions) the center does not have to be in the middle of a cell even if this object is — by definition — center-aligned.

◆ GetCenterList()

int Cell::GetCenterList ( ) const

Returns the maximum distance between top and center of this line.

Note that the center doesn't need to be exactly in the middle of an object. For a fraction for example the center is exactly at the middle of the horizontal line.

◆ GetCurrentX()

wxCoord Cell::GetCurrentX ( ) const

Get the x position of the top left of this cell.

See m_currentPoint for more details.

◆ GetCurrentY()

wxCoord Cell::GetCurrentY ( ) const

Get the y position of the top left of this cell.

See m_currentPoint for more details.

◆ GetDiffPart()

wxString Cell::GetDiffPart ( ) const

Get the part for diff tag support.

only ExptCell and SubSupCell override this - and this function seems to be used by fractions that represent an diff() command.

Reimplemented in ExptCell, and SubSupCell.

◆ GetDisplayedString()

virtual const wxString TextCell::GetDisplayedString ( ) const

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ GetDrop()

wxCoord Cell::GetDrop ( ) const

Get the distance between the center and the bottom of this cell.

Remember that (for example with double fractions) the center does not have to be in the middle of an output cell even if the current object is — by definition — center-aligned.

This value is recalculated by Recalculate

◆ GetHeight()

wxCoord Cell::GetHeight ( ) const

Get the height of this cell.

This value is recalculated by Recalculate()

◆ GetHeightList()

int Cell::GetHeightList ( ) const

Returns the total height of this line.

Returns GetCenterList()+GetMaxDrop()

◆ GetInfo()

const CellTypeInfo & VisiblyInvalidCell::GetInfo ( )

Returns the information about this cell's type.

Reimplemented from TextCell.

◆ GetInnerCell()

Cell * Cell::GetInnerCell ( size_t  index) const

Retrieve an inner cell with given index which must be less than GetInnerCellCount.

Reimplemented in AbsCell, AtCell, BoxCell, ConjugateCell, DiffCell, ExptCell, FracCell, FunCell, GroupCell, IntCell, IntervalCell, LimitCell, ListCell, LongNumberCell, MatrCell, NamedBoxCell, ParenCell, SqrtCell, SubCell, SubSupCell, and SumCell.

◆ GetInnerCellCount()

size_t Cell::GetInnerCellCount ( ) const

◆ GetInnerCellsInRect()

Cell::Range Cell::GetInnerCellsInRect ( const wxRect &  rect) const

Select the cells inside this cell described by the rectangle rect.

Reimplemented in GroupCell.

◆ GetLineWidth()

int Cell::GetLineWidth ( ) const

How many pixels is the current line of this list of cells wide?

This command returns the real line width when all line breaks are really performed. See GetFullWidth().

◆ GetMaxDrop()

int Cell::GetMaxDrop ( ) const

Returns the maximum distance between center and bottom of this line.

Note that the center doesn't need to be exactly in the middle of an object. For a fraction for example the center is exactly at the middle of the horizontal line.

◆ GetNextToDraw()

Cell * Cell::GetNextToDraw ( ) const

Get the next cell that needs to be drawn.

In case of potential 2d objects like fractions either the fraction needs to be drawn as a single 2D object or the nominator, the cell containing the "/" and the denominator are pointed to by GetNextToDraw() as single separate objects.

◆ GetRect()

wxRect Cell::GetRect ( bool  wholeList = false) const

Get the smallest rectangle this cell fits in.

  • true: Get the rectangle for this cell and the ones that follow it in the list of cells
  • false: Get the rectangle for this cell only.

Reimplemented in GroupCell.

◆ GetSuppressMultiplicationDot()

bool Cell::GetSuppressMultiplicationDot ( ) const

Do we want to begin this cell with a center dot if it is part of a product?

Maxima will represent a product like (a*b*c) by a list like the following: [*,a,b,c]. This would result us in converting (a*b*c) to the following LaTeX code: \left(\cdot a ß\cdot b \cdot c\right) which obviously is one \cdot too many => we need parenthesis cells to set this flag for the first cell in their "inner cell" list.

◆ GetToolTip()

const wxString Cell::GetToolTip ( wxPoint  point) const

Returns the ToolTip this cell provides at a given point.

pointThe point in worksheet coordinates, must be inside the cell or else an empty string is returned.
the tooltip text, or empty string if none.

Reimplemented in AnimationCell, GroupCell, ImgCell, and ImgCellBase.

◆ GetValue()

const wxString & TextCell::GetValue ( ) const

Gets the text this text cell contains.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ GetWidth()

int Cell::GetWidth ( ) const

Get the width of this cell.

This value is recalculated by Recalculate()

◆ GetXMLFlags()

wxString TextCell::GetXMLFlags ( ) const

Returns the XML flags this cell needs in wxMathML.

Reimplemented in LabelCell.

◆ GnuplotSource()

virtual wxString Cell::GnuplotSource ( ) const

Retrieve the gnuplot source data for this image.

wxEmptyString means: No such data.

Reimplemented in AnimationCell, ImgCell, and ImgCellBase.

◆ Hide()

virtual void Cell::Hide ( bool  hide = true)

Hide this cell. See IsHidden() for details.

Reimplemented in GroupCell.

◆ IsActive()

virtual bool Cell::IsActive ( ) const

Is this editor cell focused?

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ IsBrokenIntoLines()

bool Cell::IsBrokenIntoLines ( ) const

Whether this cell is broken into two or more lines.

Long abs(), conjugate(), fraction and similar cells can be displayed as 2D objects, but will be displayed in their linear form (and therefore broken into lines) if they end up to be wider than the screen. In this case m_isBrokenIntoLines is true.

◆ IsComment()

bool Cell::IsComment ( ) const

Determine if this cell contains text that isn't code.

true, if this is a text cell, a title cell, a section, a subsection or a sub(n)section cell.

◆ IsDirty()

virtual bool Cell::IsDirty ( ) const

Is this cell marked as "from an old maxima run"?

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ IsEditable()

bool Cell::IsEditable ( bool  input = false) const

Is this cell editable?

Editable cells include comments, code, captions and questions from maxima.

◆ IsHidden()

bool Cell::IsHidden ( ) const

Whether this cell is not to be drawn.

Currently the following items fall into this category:

  • parenthesis around fractions or similar things that clearly can be recognized as atoms
  • plus signs within numbers
  • The output in folded GroupCells

Additionally folded GroupCells are marked as "hidden".

◆ IsOperator()

bool TextCell::IsOperator ( ) const

Is this cell an operator?

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ IsShortNum()

bool TextCell::IsShortNum ( ) const

True if this cell represents a short number.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ NeedsRecalculation()

bool Cell::NeedsRecalculation ( AFontSize  fontSize) const

True, if something that affects the cell size has changed.

Reimplemented in EditorCell, and GroupCell.

◆ PasteFromClipboard()

void Cell::PasteFromClipboard ( bool  primary = false)

Paste from the clipboard into this cell.

primaryLinux has two clipboards: One that automatically stores all selected test and that is pasted on middle-click (true) and the traditional copy-and-paste one (false). This parameter tells which clipboard to use.

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ PositionToPoint()

virtual wxPoint Cell::PositionToPoint ( )

Locates the cursor in the editable text of this cell.

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ Recalculate()

void TextCell::Recalculate ( AFontSize  fontsize)

Recalculate the size of the cell and the difference between top and center.

Must set: m_height, m_width, m_center.

fontsizeIn exponents, super- and subscripts the font size is reduced. This cell therefore needs to know which font size it has to be drawn at.

Hidden cells (multiplication * is not displayed)

Reimplemented from Cell.

Reimplemented in DigitCell, LabelCell, and LongNumberCell.

◆ RecalculateList()

void Cell::RecalculateList ( AFontSize  fontsize)

Recalculate both width and height of this list of cells.

Is faster than a RecalculateHeightList();RecalculateWidths();.

◆ ResetSize_Recursively()

void Cell::ResetSize_Recursively ( )

Mark all cached size information as "to be calculated".

Resets remembered size and position info for this cell and all cells inside it.

Resets cached data like width and the height of the current cell as well as the vertical position of the center. Then repeats this with

◆ Scale_Px() [1/2]

AFontSize Cell::Scale_Px ( AFontSize  size) const

Scale font sizes and line widths according to the zoom factor.

Is used for displaying/printing/exporting of text/maths

◆ Scale_Px() [2/2]

wxCoord Cell::Scale_Px ( double  px) const

Scale font sizes and line widths according to the zoom factor.

Is used for displaying/printing/exporting of text/maths

◆ SelectAll()

virtual void Cell::SelectAll ( )

Select all editable text of this cell.

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ SelectPointText()

void Cell::SelectPointText ( wxPoint  point)

Select the text at point.

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ SelectRectText()

void Cell::SelectRectText ( wxPoint  one,
wxPoint  two 

Select the text between the two points.

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ SetAltCopyText()

void TextCell::SetAltCopyText ( const wxString &  text)

What should end up if placing this cell on the clipboard?

AltCopyTexts for example make sense for subCells: a_n looks like a[n], even if both are lookalikes and the cell therefore needs to know what to put on the clipboard if this cell were copied. They also make sense in many other places we may never have thought about. But since we seriously want to save memory space on the ubiuitous TextCells it might be scary to apply this principle to them, at least if you know that text you copy from the internet to a terminal might contain additional commands with TextSize=0...

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ SetConfiguration()

void Cell::SetConfiguration ( Configuration config)

Tell this cell to use the configuration object config.

Reimplemented in AnimationCell.

◆ SetIsExponent()

void Cell::SetIsExponent ( )

Tell this cell to be an exponent.

Fractions in exponents are displayed as 1D maths

Reimplemented in FracCell.

◆ SetIsExponentList()

void Cell::SetIsExponentList ( )

Tell this list of cells to be an exponent.

Fractions in exponents are displayed as 1D maths

◆ SetNextToDraw() [1/2]

virtual void Cell::SetNextToDraw ( Cell next)

Tells this cell which one should be the next cell to be drawn.

If the cell is displayed as 2d object this sets the pointer to the next cell.

If the cell is broken into lines this sets the pointer of the last of the list of cells this cell is displayed as.

Reimplemented in AbsCell, BoxCell, ConjugateCell, DiffCell, FracCell, FunCell, IntCell, IntervalCell, LimitCell, ListCell, LongNumberCell, NamedBoxCell, ParenCell, SqrtCell, and SumCell.

◆ SetNextToDraw() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename Del , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Cell, T >::value, bool >::type = true>
void Cell::SetNextToDraw ( const std::unique_ptr< T, Del > &  ptr)

Tells this cell which one should be the next cell to be drawn.

If the cell is displayed as 2d object this sets the pointer to the next cell.

If the cell is broken into lines this sets the pointer of the last of the list of cells this cell is displayed as.

◆ SetStyle()

void TextCell::SetStyle ( TextStyle  style)

Sets the TextStyle of this cell.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ SetType()

void TextCell::SetType ( CellType  type)

Sets the text style according to the type.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ SetValue()

virtual void Cell::SetValue ( const wxString &  WXUNUSEDtext)

Allows to change the text a TextCell contains.

Do we ever use this function?

◆ SwitchCaretDisplay()

virtual void Cell::SwitchCaretDisplay ( )

Reimplemented in EditorCell.

◆ ToMathML()

wxString TextCell::ToMathML ( ) const

Convert this cell to a representation fit for saving in a .wxmx file.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ ToMatlab()

wxString TextCell::ToMatlab ( ) const

Convert this cell to its Matlab representation.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ ToOMML()

wxString TextCell::ToOMML ( ) const

Returns the cell's representation as OMML.

If this method returns wxEmptyString this might mean that this cell is better handled in RTF; The OOML can later be translated to the respective RTF maths commands using OMML2RTF.

Don't know why OMML was implemented in a world that already knows MathML, though.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ ToRTF()

wxString TextCell::ToRTF ( ) const

Returns the cell's representation as RTF.

If this method returns wxEmptyString this might mean that this cell is better handled in OMML.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ ToString()

wxString TextCell::ToString ( ) const

Returns the cell's representation as a string.

Reimplemented from Cell.

Reimplemented in LabelCell.

◆ ToTeX()

wxString TextCell::ToTeX ( ) const

Convert this cell to its LaTeX representation.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ ToXML()

wxString TextCell::ToXML ( ) const

Convert this cell to a representation fit for saving in a .wxmx file.

Reimplemented from Cell.

◆ Unbreak()

void Cell::Unbreak ( )

Undo breaking this cell into multiple lines.

Some cells have different representations when they contain a line break. Examples for this are fractions or a set of parenthesis.

This function tries to return a cell to the single-line form.

Reimplemented in SumCell.

◆ UnbreakList()

void Cell::UnbreakList ( )

Unbreak this line.

Some cells have different representations when they contain a line break. Examples for this are fractions or a set of parenthesis.

This function tries to return a list of cells to the single-line form.

◆ UpdateDisplayedText()

void TextCell::UpdateDisplayedText ( )

The text we actually display depends on many factors, unfortunately.

Change asterisk to a multiplication dot, if applicable

Reimplemented in LabelCell, and LongNumberCell.

◆ VariablesAndFunctionsList()

wxString Cell::VariablesAndFunctionsList ( ) const

Returns all variable and function names used inside this list of cells.

Used for detecting lookalike chars in function and variable names.

Field Documentation

◆ m_center

wxCoord Cell::m_center = -1

The distance between the top and the insertion point of this cell.

◆ m_currentPoint

wxPoint Cell::m_currentPoint {-1, -1}

The point in the work sheet at which this cell begins.

The begin of a cell is defined as

  • x=the left border of the cell
  • y=the vertical center of the cell. Which (per example in the case of a fraction) might not be the physical center but the vertical position of the horizontal line between numerator and denominator.

The current point is recalculated

  • for GroupCells by GroupCell::RecalculateHeight
  • for EditorCells by it's GroupCell's RecalculateHeight and
  • for Cells when they are drawn.

◆ m_height

wxCoord Cell::m_height = -1

The height of this cell.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: