Todo List
Global CellList::SpliceInAfter (Cell *where, std::unique_ptr< Cell > &&head, Cell *last=nullptr)
There should be more diagnostic checks for list integrity.
Global CellListBuilder< T >::DynamicAppend (Cell *cells)
CPPCheck warns here about returning a pointer to an already-invalid object. As far as I can see the thing is that std::unique_ptr<Cell>(cells) deletes the cells when the pointer stops to exist. Then we no more mention that pointer and CPPCheck doesn't know that base_DynamicAppend moves the pointer to a list, which means the pointer lives on even if this function exits.
Global CellListBuilder< T >::ReleaseHead ()
This function is deprecated. It is provided temporarily to support porting to unique_ptr-based Cell ownership. It should be removed after the porting is done.
Global Configuration::GetLabelWidth () const
Should the font size be regarded here?
Global EditorCell::TabExpand (const wxString &input_, size_t posInLine)
Implement the actual TAB expansion
Global MathParser::MathParser (Configuration *cfg, const wxString &zipfile={})
I guess we could increase the performance further by putting the most-frequently-used tags to the front of the list.
Global ParenCell::Recalculate (AFontSize fontsize) override
m_open and m_close are recalculated in handdrawn mode, too.
Global Worksheet::CanMergeSelection () const
Does it make sense to make to allow the text of sections and image cells with math cells?
Global Worksheet::ExportToHTML (const wxString &file)
Worksheet and text cell background work fine, but their names might be interchanged.
Global Worksheet::ExportToMAC (wxTextFile &output, GroupCell *tree, bool wxm, const std::vector< int > &cellMap, bool fixReorderedIndices)
Slow: Iterates through a string using [] instead of using an iterator.
Global Worksheet::FindIncremental (const wxString &str, bool down, bool ignoreCase)
Keep a list of positions the last few letters were found at?
Global Worksheet::ShowPoint (wxPoint point)
I have deactivated this assert for the release as it scares the users in a case we don't seem to have a problem. But we perhaps should try to find out why it is triggered.
Global Worksheet::SimpleMathConfigurationIterator::input
: It is const, so it cannot be modified!?!
Global wxMaxima::EditInputMenu (wxCommandEvent &event)
Inform maxima about the new default plot window size.
Global wxMaxima::SetupVariables ()
Set pngcairo to be the default terminal as soon as the mac platform supports it.
Global CALL_MEMBER_FN (object, ptrToMember)

Replace this by a C++17 construct when we switch to C++17

Replace this by a C++17 construct when we switch to C++17

Global Cell::SetValue (const wxString &WXUNUSED(text))
Do we ever use this function?
Class EditorCell
Draw only tokens that are in the redraw region.