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Public Member Functions
CachedInteger< T, type > Class Template Reference

A cached integer value. More...

#include <CachedValue.h>

Public Member Functions

constexpr CachedInteger (const CachedInteger &)=default
constexpr CachedIntegeroperator= (const CachedInteger &)=default
constexpr bool IsValid () const
constexpr bool IsInvalid () const
constexpr void Invalidate () const
 operator T () const
Get () const
void SetCached (T newValue) const

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value, bool >::type = true>
class CachedInteger< T, type >

A cached integer value.

The value can be used in contexts where the integer could be used, but is "mostly" read-only: it can not be assigned to, but can be SetCached(). This is to enforce a protocol where a dedicated method updates the cached value, but elsewhere the value is only read from. Attempting to access an invalid value is checked for.

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