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Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
ListSortWiz Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ListSortWiz:
Collaboration diagram for ListSortWiz:

Public Member Functions

 ListSortWiz (Configuration *cfg, wxWindow *parent, int id, const wxString &title, wxString list, bool eq=false, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)
wxString GetValue ()

Protected Member Functions

void OnFunctionChange (wxGridEvent &WXUNUSED(unused))
void OnLambdaChange (wxGridEvent &WXUNUSED(unused))

Protected Attributes

wxChoice * m_choice = NULL
wxRadioButton * m_sortTraditional
wxRadioButton * m_sortFunction
wxRadioButton * m_sortLambda
wxTextCtrl * m_list
wxTextCtrl * m_CriterionFunc
wxTextCtrl * m_Criterion
wxButton * button_1
wxButton * button_2

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